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Sweet Emily's First Birthday Session

Milestone sessions are so fun because you really get to see how quickly those babes learn and grow. They start to become their own person. Emily is no exception. I loved documenting Emily's 3, 6, and 9-month milestones, but first birthday sessions are just so amazing. As a parent, you get to look back over the past 12 months and see how much your baby has changed, and how much you may have changed as a family during that time. Nothing shows you how fast time flies more than watching your newborn grow into an infant and your infant grow into a toddler...all in a single trip around the sun!

Take Miss Emily for example. In the time I've know her, she's now walking and has started saying some things such as 'uh-oh,' baby,' 'up,' 'all done.' While she still loves her snuggle puppy and her mommy's penguin, she also now loves exploring outside. Rocks and nuts are her favorite things to find and carry around. She also loves bubbles. She loves being pushed around on her little tricycle and hates being dressed after baths. Emily's mom and dad, Beth and Dave, share that, as they get to know Emily, they have really enjoyed seeing her spunky personality develop. According to Beth, Emily is stubborn but also a lover of life, and her giggle is so contagious! Beth and Dave have been surprised by her determination. She will continue to problem solve something until she can figure it out. She's one smart baby! Emily is loving daycare and being able to spend time with her friends. Plus, all the time she gets with Grandma is amazing. Beth and Dave have had a lot of fun watching her relationships grow on both sides of the family!

And no first birthday session would be complete without the famous smash cake photos. Emily couldn't have looked any cuter adorned in her frilly pink dress as she tasted her sweet treat! Though her first birthday has come and gone, these images will last a lifetime. I look forward to the opportunity to capture this family's story for years to come!

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